
Certificate of credit excellence for Vivendum Ratio Solutions
It is our honor and pleasure to share with you the received certificate of credit excellence, which is an indicator of good work and the excellent financial condition of our company.
The received certificate of credit excellence confirms that Vivendum Ratio Solutions is:
- A reliable company that has credibility in the market,
- Has easy and efficient cooperation with partners, customers and suppliers,
- Has an excellent position in the business market and is in a good financial condition.
Thanks for the recognition from the credit rating company CompanyWall, which certifies macedonian companies that achieved the best business results and performance in the previous year and operated with the highest credit ratings.
Vivendum Ratio Solutions, as before, will continue to follow business trends and implement practices that support our business success.

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Center of excellence of Vivendum Ratio Solutions is inviting you to a training : "Critical thinking and ability to make decisions"
Date: 28 February & 2 March 2020
Location: Center of exellence of Vivendum Ratio Solutions
Center of excellence of Vivendum Ratio Solutions is inviting you to a training : "Development and practical application of emotional intelligence"
Date: 14 & 17 February 2020
Location: Center of exellence of Vivendum Ratio Solutions
The need of modern business and changed demographics of the workforce require a change in the leadership styles. Transformational and inspirational leadership models are example of successful leadership models that guarantee company success, continuous growth and progress, innovative approaches, motivated and engaged employees, and a positive impact on society. At today’s training Vivendum Ratio Solutions presented the concept of influence through development of modern leadership skills and guidelines for implementation of programs for development of leadership skills to the participants in the Economic Chamber of Macedonia.
Center of excellence ве поканува на обука : "Оценување и мерење на ефекти на програми за обука и развој на вработени – модел Kirkpatrick 2016"
Дата: 13 и 16 Декември 2019
Локација: Center of exellence на Вивендум Ратио Солушнс