Наташа Алексовска на тема „Зошто компетенциите се особено важни за секоја Организација?“

Зошто се битни компетенциите за Организациите? Истражувањата покажуваат дека некои вработени можат да бидат и до 20 пати повеќе продуктивни од останатите. Јасно е дека секој Раководител би сакал да има што повеќе вакви поединци во организацијата и бара начин како...

Dave Ulrich on the Future of Human Resources

What are the most common HR issues you’ve been seeing in the past few years? Business leaders increasingly realize that to adapt to changing business conditions and customer/investor/community expectations, they have to do more that articulate a future direction or...

Are you aware of how your solution has unintended consequences?

Listen, Understand, Act In trying to manage, it is important to start by understanding the issue or the problem before trying to solve it. As Peter Drucker wrote, an effective executive asks, “What needs to be done?�? Often times, a manager may believe they have the...

Signs That You Lack Emotional Intelligence

In my ten years as an executive coach, I have never had someone raise his hand and declare that he needs to work on his emotional intelligence. Yet I can’t count the number of times I’ve heard from people that the one thing their colleague needs to work on is...

Managing Change, One Day at a Time

At a client’s off-site meeting a few years ago, I gave a talk on how companies can bring about dramatic cultural change—the focus of my firm’s consulting work. At the end, a man quietly approached and asked, “Are you a friend of Bill’s?” Seeing my confused expression,...